
Sunday, September 1, 2013

Let's Talk About Ezra

Okay, if you read my little blog info sheet, you know: there will not be consistency with what I post. I realize that my first few posts were personal, little bits of my life, but this one is going to be... well... about Pretty Little Liars. Don't worry. I won't frequently talk about Pretty Little Liars. I just... really, really want to today. Anyway, if you enjoy Pretty Little Liars and are all caught up on the series, keep reading, yo, because I wanna talk to *you.* But if you don't like Pretty Little Liars, don't watch Pretty Little Liars, or if you don't want the mid-season finale to be spoiled for you, go ahead and stop reading now.

Good. Now it's just you and me, my pretty little pals.

My question is this: what are your thoughts about the new Ezra plot line? See, personally, and overall, I'm in favor of it. But, here's a little bit more complete of a breakup of my thoughts:

The (very slight) reasons I'm opposed to the EzrA plot line:
  • Jackie. Now, the timeline in Pretty Little Liars has always been a little wonky, but... Ezra was dating Jackie in college, and then he spent some time engaged to her... And the fact that she shows up, avidly trying to get Ezra back, gives the impression that their relationship didn't end that long ago. Alison went missing around Ezra's junior/senior year in college (we know that because Aria was in Iceland for a year after Alison disappeared, and when she returned Ezra was just out of college.) So, when exactly did Ezra have the time to not only date Alison but get so obsessed with her that he's spent years trying to stalk her down and terrorizing teenaged girls over it? But, like I said, the timeline has always been pretty wonky.
  • What the hell? Okay, so, did Ezra get the whole "terrorize previously traumatized teenaged girls" from Mona? Because she was supposedly on her own in the beginning, right? Or did he just think that up and decide, "Yeah, let's also fuck with my life so it's more believable" and then enlist a bunch of high schoolers to assist him? 
  • Handsome little liar. Okay, basically this: it's just really, really irritating to think that Ezra was terrorizing Aria with "Oh, Imma tell your boyfriend about ______." and then, after he finds out, he turns around terrorizes her with, "I'm your boyfriend! How could you lie to me about that!?"
  • Maggie. Okay, so, you manage to know absolutely everything *four* different girls are doing, as well as enough about other teenagers (Mona, Jenna, Toby, Caleb, Lucas, to name a few) to efficiently black mail them but you have no idea that your high school girlfriend cheated on you, got pregnant, and had a child? At least not until one of the teenaged girls you're stalking tracks her down and finds out for you. OH AND YOU THOUGHT MALCOM WAS YOUR CHILD AND YOU HAD ONE OF YOUR LACKIES KIDNAP HIM BRIEFLY TO FUCK WITH ARIA. Jackass. 
The much more prevalent reasons I am in support of Ezra's A-ness:
  • It's not cool for teachers to date their students. I don't care if we're talking about a college professor and his/her pupil who is actually a decade older than him/her. Studies have shown that the student always suffers emotional/psychological repercussions. And way too many fans were 100% a-okay in support of Ezra and Aria's relationship. Maybe the fact that Ezra is a super creeper who is consistently preying on younger women will get a few people to, you know, oppose that relationship. 
  • Character consistency. You know, it's completely believable that Ezra would date an underaged girl. Because Ezra is currently stalking an underaged girl (even just in the "I'm going to go everywhere you like to go" kind of way, not just in the "I'm an A" kind of way) who he used to date. That having been said, basically every adult male in Pretty Little Liars is trying to date a teenager. Ian with Spencer and Alison? Wren with Spencer and Hanna? Ezra and Jason with Aria? Seriously, have you people never heard the term "statutory!?"
  • Sleuth it! Okay, so, I'm (maybe?) sure the writers didn't have the "Let's make Ezra behind everything!" as their plan from the very beginning. Of course, maybe they did. Who knows? The point is, it's not as jaw-dropping what-the-actual-fuck as it may have initially seemed. Like, bro was always showing up at suspicious times. Like, on the Halloween train. Or at the dance. And we're always like, "Awe, how sweet, he's there for Aria!" but now we can look back and wonder... "Was he really just there for A duty?"
  • There are plenty of reasons that he fits. Ha. Fitz fits the role of A. Sorry. What I mean is this: Ezra is in the right age group--right in there with Cici, Melissa, Jason, Ian, Wilden... that whole group of people that were way too old for Alison to hang out with but she still insisted on hanging out with. And A does a lot of the "I'm a grown ass man" shit... like, he makes literary references and drinks whisky. The only teenaged girl sort of thing he does is text girls "kisses --A." (But the playing with dolls thing is just... what?)
  • Ian Harding. Ohmygoodness. Ian Harding is always saying the funniest things about A. And the fact that A is his character just makes everything really perfect. 
  • Really, who else was it going to be? Cici didn't even come in until the third season, and I would throw a bitch-fit if it turned out to be Toby. There couldn't be anything more boring than having A turn out to be Jenna. 
  • Thank goodness now maybe Aria can just date someone her own age and have a normal, happy relationship. Seriously.
Anyway. What are your thoughts? Are we pro-EzrA or opposed? 

...Or do you think he's not even A, but he's just stalking Aria on account of he's so madly in love with her and oh my goodness what is this A's  lair? ARIA IS STILL BEING STALKED BY A? Oh my goodness...

Like I said, I like that Ezra's "A."

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