
Sunday, September 15, 2013

I Found These Questions On Tumblr and I Like Talking About Myself

1. Last kiss: "But now I'll go sit on the floor wearing yooooour clothes, all that I know is I don't know how to be something you miss... I never thought we'd have a laaaast kiss..." 
2. Last phone call: I would tell you, but I'd have to look it up, and I don't know where my phone is. 
3. Last text message: Yeah, same story. 
4. Last song you listened to: Uhm, I was just singing "Last Kiss" so does that count?
5. Last time you cried: I probably cried sometime earlier this week. I cry all the frakkin' time, yo.
  • 6. Dated someone twice: I have gone on two dates with one person, so there's that.
  • 7. Been cheated on: Nope.
  • 8. Kissed someone and regretted it: Nope.
  • 9. Lost someone special: One time I lost a teddy bear, and that really broke my heart. As for losing people, I don't think you really lose anyone you love.
  • 10. Been depressed: Yeah, maybe, but don't misuse that term, okay?
  • 11. Been drunk and threw up: Nope.
  • 15. Made a new friend: Yeah! Tons! Thanks to Renee.
  • 17. Laughed until you cried: Maybe? I've definitely laughed while crying.
  • 18. Met someone who changed you: I don't know, I've met people and I've changed but I don't know about the overlap.
  • 19. Found out who your true friends were: I mean I've realized that some people aren't as good of friends as I thought they were. But that having been said, I still think it's important to care for them and treat them in a good, kind way.
  • 20. Found out someone was talking about you: Ha, yes. 
  • 26. What did you do for your last Birthday: Oooh, maybe I should have read these questions before I got all gung-ho about answering them. Well, my dad had surgery on my birthday, so... Before my birthday, I went out to dinner with my aunts, one of my cousins, and my brother. My parents couldn't come because my father wasn't feeling well. Then, on my actual birthday, my brother and I drove up to the hospital to see my parents, and then in the evening I went to dinner with a friend of mine. It was mostly just stressful, to be honest.
  • 27. What time did you wake up today: 7:30, maybe?
  • 29. Name something you CANNOT wait for: Hm, I don't know? I'm pretty excited for the third Divergent book to be released.
  • 30. Last time you saw your all of your siblings at the same time: Earlier today? I only have one, it's not to see him "all at the same time."
  • 31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: I wish I was less anxious and more confident. 
  • 32. What are you listening to right now: General Hospital. 
  • 34. Who's getting on your nerves right now: Myself. Seriously, I have a headache and a sore throat and I feel drowsy and I can't get any of my work done. 
  • 35. Most visited webpage: Tumblr, probably.
  • 36. Favorite colour: Gray!
  • 37. Nicknames: Kat. 
  • 38. Relationship Status: "Perpetually Single."
  • 39. Zodiac sign: Leo, you can tell by my crazy wild hair.
  • 40. Male or female: Female. 
  • 41. Primary school: I "faked" sick a lot. Not that I was intentionally, like, skipping school, but school made me nervous and I wouldn't want to go and so I would have headaches and stomachaches a lot and my parents would let me stay home.
  • 42. Secondary School: I was separated from all of the friends I had in elementary school, so that sucked. I started having a lot of anxiety attacks.
  • 43. High school/college: In high school, I had a lot of anxiety and depression, and for awhile I would go to school even when I was really sick. Then, when I got to my senior year, I went back to skipping school a lot. This time it wasn't like I was feeling sick or anything, but whenever I got overwhelmed I would cut out for part of the day.
  • 44. Eye color: Grayish BLueish Prettyish. 
  • 46. Height: 5'7"
  • 47. Do you have a crush on someone: I'm trying really hard to not...
  • 48. What do you like about yourself: My freaking awesome 80's sci-fi alien goddess hair.
  • 49. Piercings: Ears
  • 50. Tattoos: No
  • 51. Righty or lefty: Righty
  • 53. First piercing: Ears
  • 54. First best friend: Eli Shipley
  • 55. First hookup: None?
  • 56. First Bestfriend: Wait, why was there a "first best friend" and a "first bestfriend"? Um, right, well... Becky Hand.
  • 59. Eating: Nothing
  • 60. Drinking: Nothing
  • 61. I'm about to: Pack up some stuff and take my makeup off
  • 62. Listening to: General Hospital, didn't I already answer this one?
  • 63. Waiting for: Who knows
  • 64. Want kids?: No. 
  • 65. Get married?: Yes.
  • 66. Career: Standup Comedian! Seriously, how awesome would that be?
  • 67. Lips or eyes: Eyes...
  • 68. Hugs or kisses: Hugs...
  • 69. Shorter or taller: Taller...
  • 70. Older or Younger: Older...
  • 71. Romantic or spontaneous: Romantic?
  • 72. Nice stomach or nice arms: Eh.
  • 73. Sensitive or loud: Sensitive
  • 74. Hook-up or relationship: Relationship
  • 76. Kissed a stranger: Nope
  • 77. Drank hard liquor: Nope
  • 78. Lost glasses/contacts: Nope
  • 79. Had sex: Nope
  • 80. Broken someone's heart: I doubt it
  • 82. Been arrested: Nope
  • 83. Turned someone down: Hah. No one has ever pursued me. Wait! That's not true. One time this guy looped around the block three times and shouted at me three times from his car before blocking my path, at which point I went, "Do you need some help?" And he goes, "I was just wondering, if you're a single, young lady, if I could take you to lunch or..." and I was like, "No." And then put my earbud back in and walked off. 
  • 84. Cried when someone died: Yes.
  • 85. Fallen for a friend: "Fallen"? I've definitely had feelings for friends before. But "fallen"? Pfft.
  • 86. Yourself: Sure. Sometimes.
  • 87. Miracles: Yes.
  • 88. Love at first sight: Who knows? Some people fall in love that quickly, I suppose.
  • 89. Heaven: Well, I believe in God, and I believe in an after life. But I don't really have a clue what that looks like.
  • 90. Santa Clause: Sure, he's a spirit. 
  • 91. Kiss on the first date: Eh, whatever both individuals are comfortable with.
  • 92. Angels: Yeah, sure, I guess. I don't really know.
  • 93. How would you label yourself? "Adorable"
  • 94. Someone You Pray Everyday For: Basically everyone in my family.
  • 95. Did you sing today: Yup. "I NEVER THOUGHT WE'D HAVE A LAAAAST KISS..."
  • 96. Who From All Your Ex's have You Cared The Most About: Matt. By which I mean, "Matt is my only Ex, so he's the one I cared the most about, even though we were only in seventh grade and so it's not like it was heartbreaking when that ended."
  • 97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go? Em, I'd go back to the 80's and meet John Cusack when he was my age.
  • 98. Out Of Everything In The World What Do You Wish For: That I'd be a good person who brings others joy rather than pain. 
  • 99. Are you afraid of falling in love?: Pft. Who knows?
  • 100. Do you like the way you look?: Fuck yeah! I'm adorable. 

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