
Saturday, September 14, 2013

Things I Really Enjoy Doing

  1. Reading an entire book in one day and then bragging about it flippantly when I talk to other people about it. "You're reading And Then There Were None? That's such a good book! I read it all in just one night. Lol." 
  2. Masochistically reading Edith Wharton novels and then complaining to everyone with ears about how much they suck. "It's, like, every single time she tricks me! I start off feeling like it's an Austen-esque romance and then she twists everything around and it's just shit for all the characters!" Honestly, the only fun thing about reading Edith Wharton novels is complaining about reading Edith Wharton novels. 
  3. Doing dramatic recitations of songs--particularly pop songs, country songs, or rap songs. For other people, obviously. Just look at your friend and then really dramatically say: "He's ill. He's real. He might have a deal. He pops bottles and he's got the right kind of build. He's cold, he's dope, and he might sell coke." Trust me. It's fun.
  4. Collaging. Collaging is seriously the most fun thing in the universe. This is my problem. I misread "College" as "Collage" on my college applications. If I had known it was more school, I probably wouldn't have signed up. For the past four years, I just show up to class with a stack of magazines, scissors, and glue and I am *constantly* disappointed. 
  5. Taking pictures of myself. Especially when I have a good hair day. See, here, look: 
    Aw, man, I'm so cute.
  6. Going to coffee shops, sitting down with a pile of work to do, and then just looking at how beautiful in the world is. Seriously. Yesterday, at the coffee shop, there was a man who was tall and slender with well sculpted eyebrows and high cheekbones. Today, there's a woman who is average height, with bundles of curves, curly black hair, and a turquoise shirt that perfectly compliments her carmel-colored skin. Earlier, there was a slender African American woman with black, braided hair pulled back into a bun, whose cheeks sat up high and full. It's just, like, everyone in the world is so beautiful and you just have to open your eyes and look at them, man. 
  7. Starting to write something and then absolutely never finishing it. I had this one poem in my tumblr drafts for so long, that I just decided, "Welp, it's never getting finished" so I published it undone.
    We built a bridge
    Out of popsicle sticks and Elmers glue
    And we ran across it
    Several times
    Without so much as a snap
    So we declared it’d last forever
    But our glue was water soluble
    And maybe if we knew
    We might’ve factored in the weather. 

  8. Putting together outfits, wearing said outfits, and then making fashion blog posts with them. Fictitious fashion blog posts, of course, but none the less. See, I have this whole series of fashion blog posts: right here.
  9. Hanging out with my brother, listening to him talk about weird scientific theories he's been reading about on Wikipedia and then reciting the little bits of information that I pick up and kind of sort of understand when I'm in social settings. Here it is, my big secret, I am not actually all that smart. I just have a very, very smart older brother.
  10. Hanging out with my family. Look, I know, this is super sickeningly sweet, but: I honestly have one of the best families. Last night, my mother, one of my aunts, one of my cousins, and I went out to dinner. We sat there talking long after our meals were finished, and it was just so nice. I love nights when my nuclear family hangs out and watches TV shows, I love when a bunch of my extended family gets together and plays card games, I love when my family goes out to dinner, and I love when a bunch of our family gets together at our grandparents' house. Basically, I just love getting to see my family. 
  11. Absolutely anything related to comedy. I enjoy writing comedy, listening to comedy, watching, reading, and learning about comedy. I like comedians and comedic tweets and when I see kind of funny signs. 
  12. Answering questions about myself. Really, I'm a lot more vain that I let on--and if you guys know me at all, you probably know that I profess to be pretty vain in the first place. So talking about myself is basically one of my favorite things. And since I really enjoy writing, as well, then I get quite a thrill out of filling out questionaires. I even like filling out forms. You know: "Name: Katrina High; Date: Yes, Please; Gender: F; Occupation: Student..."
  13. Talking about Renee. Honestly, I feel so bad for a lot of Renee and I's shared friends, because I talk their EARS off about Renee. And why wouldn't I? She's so cute and kind. She's one of the only people who doesn't get offended by my bad moods. And I used to spend ALL OF MY TIME with her, so basically anything that happens will remind me of something that happened when I was hanging out with Renee. "You like coffee? Oh, man, Renee and I used to get coffee all the time." "You like this book? Renee was a lit major. She really liked gothic literature, I think, and feminist literature, and oh my goodness so much theory." "This is our dog Snowy, one time, Renee was here and Snowy really liked Renee, which is cool because Snowy basically doesn't like anyone." "You breathe? OHMYGOODNESS, RENEE USED TO BE SO GOOD AT BREATHING."
  14. Writing lists of things rather than doing my homework. Don't get me wrong, I love my homework (lies), but sometimes, I feel like not doing my homework (truths). And, instead, I like to write lists. About anything, really. Things That I Like, Things About Myself, Good Movies, 90s TV Shows, anything and everything. Right now, for example, I'm making this list of Things I Really Enjoy Doing when I could (and maybe should) be reading articles for my senior thesis, spelling words phonetically, and doing readings for my History of the Soviet Union class. 

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