
Monday, September 2, 2013

Things I Would Rather Do Than My Homework

  1. Write a list of things I would rather do than my homework (obviously)
  2. Go to a pet store, act like I'm in the market for a pet rabbit, convince them to let me hold all of their rabbits so I can find a "good fit," hold all of their rabbits, pick a couple, tell them, "I'm going to bring my husband back in so I can get his opinion" and then not return until I'm married and/or actually in the market for a pet rabbit.
  3. Go thrift store shopping.
  4. Read the rest of Insurgent
  5. Make an OK Cupid account, look through the list of guys who are trying to hook up with someone, complain about the fact that all of the guys on OK Cupid are just trying to hook up with someone, and delete my account. 
  6. Talk to the couple of girls with really pretty curly hair who just walked in--perhaps form a club of girls with really pretty curly hair.
  7. Work up the nerve to tell the barristas that the iced tea they gave me didn't taste right and I don't think the girl who made the tea put peach flavoring in it at all
  8. Collage
  9. Try making sweatshirts into cardigans in the numerous ways Pinterest has assured me it is possible
  10. Make vegan brownies
  11. Make kale chips
  12. Apologize to the guy sitting next to me for tweeting about him//the direction he looks when he spaces out
  13. Take a walk because the weather is delightful today.
  14. Put together cosplays and find appropriate(ish) times/places to wear them. 
  15. Learn how to fold paper dresses
  16. Consider my hatred of most men's shoes
  17. Practice dramatic recitations of pop songs. (Specifically, I think a lot of FUN's songs would be fun to dramatic recitations of...)
  18. Write. Poems and short stories and plays and comedic skits and stand up comedy and blog posts how hard it is to just "let things go" or which Faction I would choose if I was in the Divergent Dystopia. 
  19. Do some vlogging. It's been so long since I've vlogged. 
  20. Put together care packages/gifts for friends. I have bunch planned out... just not put together. And then send them, obviously.
  21. Plan out the videos I want to film (not vlog videos, but, like, real actual videos. Short films. Whatever.)
  22. Anonymously compliment people/tell them to have a good day on Tumblr
  23. Make a collage of bearded men, then frame it and hang it on my wall. Except there's no space on my wall. I think I'd make it work, though. 
  24. Attempt to do a lyrical analysis on "Some Nights," because, "Some Nights I wish my lips could build a castle, some nights I wish they'd just fall off..." WHAT?
  25. Watch The Spectacular Now
  26. Think about how much I like Shailene Woodley
  27. Find a non-dairy substitute for butter other than margarine
  28. Paint a self portrait
But, in all reality, if I didn't have to do homework, I would probably just marathon some show while playing Candy Crush and letting my mind go to mush. 


  1. This list is incredibly accurate.
    7. - tell them I said it needs 2 pumps of peach syrup, not 1, and sometimes 3 just because. Also, they probably didn't rebrew it at noon. Epic fail. #roasterienewbieprobs
    9. - please blog your attempts at this. I also would like to do that and have yet to find the time or patience to try it - I don't really believe those pinterest methods.
    24. - I think maybe it's mice building castles? Of Mice and Men (haven't read it) or um...Ralph from The Mouse and the Motercycle. I don't know about them falling off the castle, though.
    27. Coconut oil. Most of the time.

    1. I was like... "Who is this? How do they know I'm at the Roasterie!" BUT IT'S YOU. Hey.

      7. Okay, next time I'll specifically ask for 2+ pumps. This time, though, the girl who made the iced tea was different than the girl who took my order, which is why I kind of wondered if she added the peach at all or if she was just like, "Oh this girl wants iced tea."

      9. Will do! I've actually bought loads of cheap sweaters with the intention of turning them into cardigans, but I'm kind of intimidated about the prospect because, like, Pinterest is probably making it sound easier than it really is.

      24. MICE BUILDING CASTLES? Wait, but then why would the mice just fall off? I don't think mice built castles in either of those literary references... but maybe they did in Redwall?

      27. Coconut oil? For baking? I got this fancy expensive supposedly-hydrogenated-oil-free margarine this time around, but if coconut oil works I might try that next time.

      And thank you! You're the best.
