
Monday, December 30, 2013

Things That Make Me Stupid Happy

See, I'm not a grouch-mope-moper-grouch all the time, and I'm going to prove it by telling you the things that make me really, really, giddy happy.

  • The fact that Rainbow Rowell exists. I love her books. I love her twitter. I love her faq's on her website. I love the fact that she responded, "I knew I recognized you" to my blogpost about the time that I met her and literally could not use real words. Purchasing Eleanor & Park was the greatest decision I made in 2013. 
  • Bunnies. Bunnies are so cute, oh my goodness. One time, Renee and I went to a pet store and pretended that we were wanting to buy a bunny so we got to pick up ALL OF THEIR BUNNIES. And bunnies are so soft and fluffy. And they just make you smile, you know? I follow some bunny blogs on tumblr, and some bunny tags on pinterest, and sometimes when I'm feeling a little down it makes me feel 10,000-times better to look at pictures of bunnies. 
  • Friendships. Okay, so, you know about "shipping" right? Where a fan will take two characters who may or may not have romantic feelings for one another and then be like "OH MY GOODNESS DRACO AND HARRY NEED TO DATE AND MAKEOUT AND HAVE BABIES EVEN THOUGH THEY'RE BOTH MEN NOW LET'S DO AN AU WHERE HARRY'S ACTUALLY A GIRL AND THEY CAN HAVE BABIES NOW LET'S DO AN AU WHERE THEY ARE BOTH GIRLS AND THEY DO THAT BONE MARROW THING TO HAVE MORE BABIES BAAAAABBBBIIIIEES..." I think I lost where I was going with that... Oh, right, friendships. So, when I watch TV shows and movies and One Direction interviews, rather than getting super excited about fictional romantic relationships, I get shipper-levels-of-excited about friendships. Not that I don't get excited about possible romantic relationships, too. I mean, Mindy and Danny have, basically, the cutest friendship so it's gonna be so adorable and good when they finally couple-it-up on the Mindy Project. Right. Right. On to other things.
  • Renee. She's so cute and friendly and the perfect build for hugs and she has good hair and she says, "What am I? Stunned mullet!" if you complain about not having any friends and she gets jokingly huffy if you repeat her when she says, "I'll just grab the trolley" in the supermarket. Also, one time, I called her crying and was like, "Do you think no one will ever like me?" And she went, "I don't know, man, I think people should like you." And that was basically the sweetest thing I've ever heard. Also, the first time I ever met her she listened to me complain for like fifteen minutes about mock trial and then the second time I ever met her she got me to listen to The Blow. Anyway. She's great. 
  • Macaroons. When I try to write the word "macaroons" I almost always try to write it "maccarroons" because double all the letters, that's why. Anyway, whenever I turned 21 my friend and I bought macaroonies I was thoroughly underwhelmed. But then, not too long ago, I bought some more maccyroones and THEY WERE DELICIOUS and now I'm basically half addicted. 
  • One Direction. They're music is all happy and they're all handsome and they're all such good friends they just make me happy, man. Also, they goof around ALL the time and they're terrible at dancing. So, if you don't like One Direction, then I'm betting that you've only heard those two songs and never watched them interview.
  • Thinking about the next stage of my life. Don't get me wrong, it's also super nerve wracking because adulthood sounds a little bleak if you ask me. But I like to think about having my own apartment and making smoothies for breakfast and keeping my books on bookshelves and having a couple of puzzles and decks of cards. Also, I like the idea of meeting new people. And not being in school. And having a job with set hours that don't change from week to week so that when I make plans with people I can be, like, "I get off of work at 5:00" instead of being, like, "Well, on Mondays I finish everything up at 6:00, on Tuesdays I'm busy until 9:00 so that won't work, what about Wednesdays? I get done at 4:00 on Wednesdays!"
  • Hanging out with my extended family. Particularly when we get 7+ people in the same place at the same time. 

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