
Saturday, February 18, 2017

The List #2 "Give Galentines Day Gifts"

The immaculate Leslie Knope describes "Galentine's Day" as:

Now, there's a lot about the concept of Galentine's Day that appeals to me. See, here's a brief (and clearly inconclusive) list of things that I love:
  • Parks & Rec
  • Friendship
  • Amy Poehler
  • Gift Giving
  • Female Empowerment
  • Breakfast Foods
So it really shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone that I wanted to get on Galentine's Day this year. For this reason, I put "give galentine's day gifts" on my "To Do in 2017" List

Galentine's Day, as defined by Leslie Knope in Parks & Rec, takes place on February 13 and, fortuitously for me, I was already planning on spending that day with some of my favorite ladies.

My small group decided to take a retreat that would go from February 10th to the 13th and if this was an entirely different blogpost I would tell you about how we ate at a Mexican Restaurant named "Amigos" one day and "Familia" the next. I would tell you about how we went to a lake and my friend's three year old daughter dropped a giant rock on my kneecap. I would tell you how some of us went to a bar where I ate loaded mashed potatoes and drank root beer. I would tell you how we had our church's worship and our church's last worship leader with us but how, despite that, we didn't sing the Micah 6:8 song at our house-church-service.

But this isn't that kind of blogpost. I'm trying to talk about things that I did because of a list in 2017, not just things that I did in 2017, sheesh people.

(Despite that, look at this group photo from the trip. Aren't my friends adorable?)

ANYWAY. Back to Galentine's. Our trip was ending on the 13th and most of the gang doesn't watch Parks & Rec (I know, what total heathens) so we weren't going to have an actual Galentine's Day celebration. But I just had to give gifts! And that is easy enough.

(Side note: to all my lady friends who I didn't see on the 13th: Happy Belated Galentine's Day! I love you and super appreciate our friendship. ♥♥♥)

I started planning my Galentine's Day gifts around when I created my list for 2017. And, naturally, my original plan was a slightly-bigger undertaking than I could really handle.

My initial plan was to knit the whole squad infinity scarves with different patterns but the same yarns. I needed to have three finished by Galentine's Day. This is as far as I was on February 6th:

Clearly, that wasn't going to happen. Not for the 2017 Galentine's Day, at least. So I resorted to Plan B! Lots of little things!

I'm actually a big supporter of the "lots of little things" gift. Nothing has to be breathtaking or totally amazing, it all just has to be fun. So, I made three animal-toy-necklaces. (This is a thing I've been doing, BTW. Plastic animal jewelry. It's the coolest.) Then, I went to the store and got three-of-everything cool.

Pencils and journals and socks and POPCORN CHOCOLATE and gel pens and pocket calendars. That little $1-$5 section at Target was seriously MADE for the "lots of little things" gift giver. (Also, Popcorn Chocolate is totally a thing. At Target. Right now. They're less than fifty cents a piece because they were CLEARLY UNDERAPPRECIATED. I bought like a thousand.)

Uh, yeah. The End. Or Whatever.

"Hey, Self? You didn't really end that blogpost?"
"Who cares? I wrote it, didn't I?"
"Kind of, I guess."
"And it ended didn't it?"
"Not really, though, that's what I'm saying. You didn't have a conclusion."
"It concluded."
"Not properly."
"What are you an English Teacher? NO. Because you're me. And we didn't get certified to teach. So, ha."
"Well whose fault is that?"
...I seriously don't regret not becoming a teacher. Now I'm a librarian! And librarians don't have to conclude things properly. Probably. I don't know. I didn't memorize the handbook or anything.